The Care and Feeding of Pedal Felts

As part of a standard regulation, I always replace a harp’s pedal felts, the red pads that cover the pedals where they sit in the pedal slots. But why? Often, they look just fine. Sure, if they go too long without replacement, they can get torn up and really...

Soundboard Veneer Splits

  So, you see some small cracks or splits running along the center strip on your pedal harp, and you’re wondering if this is a sign of scary expensive repairs to come. Fortunately, splits like the one shown in this photo are rarely a cause for concern. As ominous...

Fall 2014 Harp Regulation Schedule

Here’s an at-a-glance look at my schedule from late July, 2014 through the beginning of November:   July 21-27: Redlands, CA August 25-30: Ann Arbor, MI September 5-8: Interlochen, MI September 19-24: Salt Lake City, UT September 25-27: Spokane, WA October...